
Do you need support to change something in your personal life? Your relationship, work-life, your body or your feelings? Something doesn’t quite work, or you’re experiencing emotional or physical pain, which keeps repeating itself in different situations.
When properly dealt with, discomfort and pain can be an amazing doorway into our hearts and trigger own innate capabilities to deeply heal. Difficulty can be harnessed into a force that drives new pathways and leads us into a much more healthy direction. Reaction can turn into response. It all depends on perspective.
A big part of our time together is spent supporting you to become more aware of what’s happening in your thinking, your emotions and your body. We’ll engage your own natural wisdom and the intelligence in your body to create new pathways and find creative ways of practically applying these insights into your daily life.
If there’s something inside you that resonates with what you’ve read so far, give me a call on +1 780 995 5670, to see whether this might be the right thing for you, right now.
All sessions are available face to face in the office, by skype or by phone.
For some people,
cyber-sessions actually work better than face to
face, because travelling to an office can be an
overwhelming barrier. For those who prefer the
safety and convenience of their own home, cyber
sessions can be much less threatening, yet just
as effective. Cyber-sessions have worked wonders
for many dealing with Anxiety, Post-traumatic
Stress Disorder or Depression.